Professor yuan shubin , former director of sichuna gamma knife center made the speech on the topic " experience and study on the revolving gamma knife therapy of pituitary tumor " ; director of beijing air force general hospital gamma knife center , zhou wenjing interprated incively and professionally of " gamma knife therapy of nasopharyngeal cancer and research on irradiation " , whcih provided a new and effective therapy method of nasopharyngeal cancer ; physician ma wensheng addressed " report on 650 cases by revolving gamma knife " , explained carefully the status of 3 - year therapy of cases in liuzhou center and made a summary of the curative effect . the attendees echod ardently and some experts commented that they had more knowledge of clinical application of gamma knife after hearing the reports 应邀出席的原四川伽玛刀治疗中心主任袁树斌教授在会上做了旋转式伽玛刀治疗垂体瘤的经验与体会的报告,北京空军总院伽玛刀中心主任周文静对难治性癫痫的放射外科治疗作了精辟,专业的讲解,广西医科大学耳鼻喉科主任徐志文教授做了鼻咽癌的伽玛刀治疗与放射治疗的研究的报告,对鼻咽癌的治疗提供了一种崭新有效的治疗模式,柳州中心马文生医师作了旋转式伽玛刀治疗
There were 180 directors and satraps from department of tumor , liver and gall , breathing and gynecology inside and outside of the province attending the ceremony and academic seminar . experts kang jingbo and zhang liping from beijing air force general hospital gamma knife center delivered a report in the meeting 出席开业典礼及学术报告会的有来自省内各院的肿瘤科肝胆科胸外科呼吸科妇科等相关科室的主任及学科带头人,约人,会中北京海军总院澳海体部伽玛刀中心康静波张丽萍专家做了学术报告。
Among the attendees professor liu chenji and hou jinhao , who are principals of jiangsu brain surgery science , and professor and general board of provincial neurosurgery branch hui guozhen and secretary - general fu zhen and majority of physicians who are concerned with the center s gamma knife therapy and research development joined the seminar the specific lectures by professor yuan gengqing , from aohua medical department , director zhou wenjing from beijing air force general hospital gamma knife center and physician li jinhua from nanjing brain hospital gamma knife center , which enrich the contents covered 他们之中有江苏省脑外学科带头人刘承基教授侯金镐教授,有省神经外科分会主任委员惠国桢教授和秘书长付震教授,绝大多数多年来关心和支持本中心开展伽玛刀治疗和科研的医师们都如约到会并认真参与研讨活动。傲华公司医学部袁耿清教授和北京空军总医院伽玛刀中心周文静主任,南京脑科医院伽玛刀中心李金华医师也应邀到会并做专题讲座使内容更为充实。